Saturday, October 4, 2014

News About Samsung Galaxy S III 64 GB

Here is a news from Samsung mobiles about the 64 GB Galaxy S III, taken from Android Central blog. Lets read.

After UK retailer Expansys started cancelling orders for the 64GB variety of the Galaxy S III, we feared that Samsung may have given up on the device. Apparently, thats not the case, as today a companys spokesperson has stepped in to clarify the situation.

Heres what he told Android Central about the Galaxy S III 64GB model being cancelled by retailers in Europe:

"The 64GB model of the GALAXY S III will be available during the second half of this year. The market availability and timing may vary and will be determined at the time of release."

So, Galaxy S III fans whove been waiting for the 64GB model should breathe a sigh of relief, even though the wait isnt over. After all, if you absolutely must have 128GB of storage (with a 64GB microSD card), you waiting a couple of extra months shouldnt be too hard for you. 

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