Thursday, October 2, 2014

Excess Android OS version 4 0 Ice Cream Sandwich

Given the current first -generation Android first appeared, which are increasingly competing with Blackberry. To date version of android is growing. Try lets seeing a little excess to one version of the android ICS or Ice Cream Sandwich or version of the android operating system version 4.0. Android OS version 4.0 which brought Google is indeed a technological improvement I Phone.

Some advantages  of Android OS version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich:

Home Screen
We can re size widgets of Android OS version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich at will, so the appearance will look more comfortable. Application icons can be dragged into the folder. But on Ice Cream Sandwich is superior to the iPhone because we can put a contact person or some sort of speed dial shortcuts into folders as well and even put people in favorites.

A little update on the keyboard i.e. inline spell checking capabilities. Unfortunately there is still support more language.

First, we can not share a screenshot android simple, as easy on an iOS device. Well, now Android OS version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich has the exact same screenshot capability, with a cute little Polaroid animation to highlight the action.

Although in a locked state , the notification still visible making it easier to know if there is a sms or missed calls .

Significant change lies in the browser view. The browser is able to open up to 16 tabs! Horizontal zoom was not shaped in general, but shaped and stacked vertically. Often we are confused by the difference look at the mobile desktop, now in android version 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich will make it easier to view the desktop web simply by selecting the full screen option.

We can choose some emails from gmail at once to speed up archiving. We can also flip through your email horizontally, to read faster, and even up to 30 days to look back, even without being connected to the network.

Videos and Photos
The entire device is android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich version allows us to share photos directly from the camera, and see all the pictures. As with the iPhone, we can do some basic editing on the camera.

Beautiful design
The Android OS version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich has a different appearance from Gingerbread. Certainly more elegant, and notification feature has been enriched and more interactive. Even Google is also doing repairs with a new font optimized for HD displays.

Face Unlock
Android’s latest operating system make improvements of existing features and adding new features related to security. Features “Face Unlock”, allowing us to recognize faces and can use to lock unlock our face.

Google +
In addition, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich version comes with Google+. Value of rest we can do teleconferencing with up to ten people using the Hangout feature in Google+.

Read also Excess Android OS version 4.1 Jelly Bean

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